

2016-12-09 38 Dailymotion

How to do YOGA HEADSTAND POSE | SIRSASANA for beginners and its benefits.The Headstand Pose is known to be one of the best asana in Yoga. GO THROUGH THE VIDEO to learn the one asana which can cure a number of illnesses. The blood circulation slows down considerably, if we sit or stand for long hours. As a result, the heart has to work much harder in order to send an adequate supply of blood to the upper body. The Head Stand Pose reduces the strain on the heart and aids in delivering an ample amount of blood rich in oxygen, to the head and brain. Sivananda Yoga is renowned for its exceedingly effective health benefits.* Let us have a look at some steps in the headstand pose or sivananda yoga:# Leg Raises:Step 1: Start by lying down on your back. Step 2: Now raise your legs towards the ceiling with your hands placed close to your hips. Step 3: Then bring the legs down while exhaling and then lift them up while inhaling. Do not lift your back during this process.Step 4; Repeat 20 sets for this exercise.# Dolphin Pushups: Step 1: stat by going onto your fours. Bend the elbows and clasp the fingers. Step 2: Slowly raise your hips like you do in a downward dog position.Step 3: Your head should be in between your arms. Now push the head in while exhaling and out while inhaling. Step 4: Repeat for 10-20 times. # Head Stand:Step 1: Fold the yoga mat 3-4 times in order to give your head the required cushioning.Step 2: Come down to the tripod position. Place the hands close to the head by clasping the fingers. Place the crown of the head to the floor.Step 3: Lift the butt up towards the ceiling and walk yourself forward.Step 4: Now one leg at a time lift the legs up slowly and straighten the legs as much as you can.Step 5: Now lower yourself slowly by placing the legs down to the floor one at a time. Relax.# Head stand on the Wall:Step 1: Place the folded mat close to the wall.Step 2: Place your hands in the tripod position and the crown of the head down. Step 2: Now slowly ra